Tulsi Fertilizer
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Tulsi Fertilizer

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.


Tulsi Fertilizer for Tulsi plant in Balcony, Terrace & Home Gardening

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Tulsi Plant fertilizer helps to enlarge the roots and strengthen the rose stems by increasing the ability of roots to absorb essential nutrients and water.


Organic complete Tulsi Plant care is heavy in phosphorus that will help promote those big, beautiful blooms that growers seek.

Benefits of Tulsi Fertilizer

  • Contains NPK which is important for growth & the green color plant health.
  • It Improves Soil & Fertilizes Your Plants By Helping Them To Absorb Water, Oxygen & Other Nutrients
  • Purely veg ingredients.
  • Bioagents to Boost plant Immunity
  • Easy to mix into soil.
  • Beneficial Soil Microbes to Increase fertility

Tulsi requires fertile soils to thrive, especially if you’re regularly harvesting leaves for tea and seasoning. Be sure to supplement with compost to ensure adequate fertility. To the soil with an inch of rich compost every 6 months. The best fertilizer for tulsi plants is a balanced Casa De Amor Special Tulsi Plant Fertilizer which can be applied every few weeks.

Tulsi, like most other types of basil, is a relatively easy plant to grow. Both like rich soil, good drainage, regular watering, and lots of light. Depending on the variety, tulsi is rated zone 10 or 11. It grows as a shrub in warmer areas but is an annual in cooler zones: it will die upon contact with frost.

The easiest way to propagate a tulsi plant is to take a cutting from a healthy mother plant. Take cuttings in the spring or summer months: these should be a few inches long, with a couple of leaves. Plant the cutting in a small pot containing moist, fresh potting soil. Some people like to dip the cut ends into a rooting hormone before planting, but this isn’t necessary. Place the pot in a warm, light spot, away from direct sunlight. In fact, a kitchen work surface is an ideal location. Water the cuttings regularly so that the soil doesn’t dry out, and you should see new shoots in 4 to 6 weeks.

You can sow the seeds straight into the ground from late spring onwards when the temperature averages 24ºC. If you want to sow your seeds earlier than this, start them off indoors. Do this either in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill. This will allow you to sow the seeds 6 to 12 weeks before the last frost.

Once the seedlings are large enough you will be able to transfer them into individual pots.

If you intend on growing your holy basil in pots, you’ll need to occasionally repot the plants. While some people like to report theirs every spring, others allow the plant to remain in its container until it outgrows it, or becomes pot-bound. Whenever you repot a plant you should use a clean plant pot that is just slightly larger than the one that your plant is currently in. Planting a seedling in an overly large pot may cause it to go into shock, resulting in leaf drop and possible death.

Remove the plant from its old pot or seed tray. The roots of more established plants may become tightly bound together, in a “root ball.” If this is the case, gently tease them free.

Next, put some fresh potting mix or all-purpose compost into the pot. When the plant is placed inside, the top of its roots should sit just below the lip of the pot.

Tulsi thrives best in loamy or fertile soil. Good drainage is essential for healthy plants, and soil with a pH level of 6 to 7.5 is best.

When your seedlings are 3 inches tall, spread coarse mason sand to a depth of 2 inches over the soil around the plants. This sand mulch reduces weeds, controls moisture, and moderates temperature fluctuations.

Your tulsi plant will require regular watering. If you’re unsure when to water, wait until the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. They require less water during the winter months when plant growth slows or ceases.

Try to avoid getting water on the leaves, as damp leaves can be a breeding ground for mold and disease. This may become difficult as the plant grows bushier. I’ve found that watering early in the morning allows the leaves time to dry off in the sun before the temperatures cool.

Tulsi thrives in full sun and ideally likes to receive 4 to 6 hours of sunlight every day. It can, however, grow in partial shade.

As we’ve already discussed, these plants are hardy up to zones 10 or 11, depending on the variety. This herb thrives best in areas where temperatures rarely plummet below 25ºC.


30-50 Gram Tulsi Fertilizer per plant in 7-10 days.  

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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