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Neem oil is associate unbelievably helpful product to own obtainable if you’re a gardener, plant enthusiast or perhaps if you’re simply commencing to get into plants. It’s principally used once it comes treating a spread of pests, so if you’re fighting disagreeable bugs on your plants, read on!

In this post I’m sharing 5 useful ways that you’ll be able to use neem oil on plants, because it extremely could be a versatile product! except for it’s uses, some other reasons why neem oil is thus handy are:

  • A touch goes a long way. Most applications can involve diluting 2-3mLs per litre of water (or regarding 0.5 a teaspoon to four cups), which means you’ll be able to use the one bottle once more and again!
  • It’s quite safe to use on most plants without the danger of harm or overdosing, and customarily safe around pets and youngsters.
  • The one product will treat such a large amount of totally different pests and problems! Whenever I notice a brand new pest, the primary thing I do is check if it can be treated with neem.
  • Neem oil can be used systemically (more info on what that means below), in order that it won’t damage useful bugs – solely the ones that chew on your plants. 
  •  It’s an eco-friendly and natural product, which implies you’re not using harsh chemicals around your home or within your home, particularly if you’re using it for indoor plants.

Using a focused neem oil is best for the below pest treatments. Always check the directions on the container before applying neem oil or using it for the below ways. Use Neem Oil to get Rid of Spider Mites

Spider mites are a common pest, particularly for indoor plants. What makes spider mites therefore troublesome to deal with is that they’re soo tiny! This suggests it can sometimes take a serious outbreak before they are detected, they will unfold simply and may some can easily be missed throughout treatment.

Fortunately, I’ve found neem oil to be quite effective once it comes to treating spider mites! I continuously wish to wet my plants to physically take away as several of the mites as possible. Then, liberally spray the plant with a diluted neem oil solution. Repeat treatment in 4-5 days to confirm any remaining hatchlings are treated.

For an in-depth, step by step technique to eliminate spider mites, read this post on The way to Treat Spider Mites on a Fiddle Leaf Fig.

Use Neem Oil as a General Treatment for Chewing & Sucking Insects

Similar to the above, neem oil can help treat a spread of chewing & sucking insects like mites, aphids, caterpillars, citrus leafminer and more.

A general treatment is one that gets applied once watering. The neem oil solution is then absorbed by the plant through the root system and brought up through the leaves. This suggests once any chewing or sucking insects try and kill the leaves of your plant, they will ingest the insect powder and die.

The pro’s of this is that your plant is not plagued by the neem! It will also make sure that the full plant is protected, and instead of using a spray, the solution can’t be washed off the plant if it rains, for example.

Use Neem Oil to Treat Mealybugs Mealy bugs are a type of fluffy, white sucking insect that may sometimes seem out of nowhere. As a result of their size they will be easier to identify than a pest like spider mites.

This means if you happen to note one or 2 mealybugs gathering on your plants, you’ll be able to nip the problem within the bud with neem oil. Simply dip a cotton tip in neem and dab it onto any mealybugs. This can kill the mealybugs on contact.

If you are addressing with a bigger infestation of mealybugs, you’ll need to make a neem oil solution to spray your plant or use the neem oil as a systemic solution (as above) to combat them. 

Use Neem Oil as a Soil Drench for Fungus Gnats Ahh… the dread fungus gnat!! These little, fly-like pests prefer to lay their eggs within the damp soil of indoor plants, where the larvae can sometimes go after the roots of your plant.

Fungus gnats will be tough to induce eliminate owing to their lifecycle as both a flying insect and larvae in soil. It’s additionaly best to make sure you treat all plants right away.

I like to use neem oil as a soil drench together with yellow sticky traps that may catch the adult gnats. Watering your plant with a diluted solution of neem oil will help rid the soil of the larvae without harming your plant.

Remember that gnats are attracted to damp soil – so to assist combat the issue, solely water your plants once more, once the highest 1-2 inches of soil is dry.

Use Neem Oil as a Leaf Shine While I’m not one to typically use products on plants for the sake of shiny leaves, if there have been one product I’d use it would be Neem oil. A lot of leaf shine products or home goods (coconut oil, banana skins and even milk) will block the leaves’ ability to photosynthesize, and I don’t suggest using these – ever.

However as a result of neem oil may be a natural product and might facilitate with the treatment of pests, employing a very little will help with a natural shine.

The best method it to spray a diluted mixture onto the leaves, and then gently wipe them down. This may help take away any buildup of dust and dirt and help your leaves look shiny and healthy.

Things to Consider When Using Neem Oil There are a couple of things to keep in mind after you are use neem oil for your plants.

The first is that as a result of it’s associate degree oil, it will create leaves a bit additional sensitive to sun and might cause sunburn in extreme cases. I’d recommend not using it if the temperatures are very hot or within the direct heat of the day. Keep a watch on any sun-sensitive plants that get direct sun once using the product.

Another issue to keep in mind is that some pests will reproduce quickly and it’s vital to try and do consistent, repeat treatments to totally eradicate the matter. For instance with spider mites, I like to recommend treating your plant a minimum of thrice, each 4-5 days to stay your plants pest-free.

While it doesn’t bother me, neem oil will have a powerful smell that some people don’t like. If you’re planning on spraying indoor plants, you may need to require them outside to spray. The smell should solely be present till the solution dries.

Apart from those mentioned above, there’s a range of alternative pests & treatments that neem oil can facilitate with. If you’re faced with associate infestation of some type, simply check the packaging to ascertain if neem oil will be suitable!

Because of it’s versatility, neem oil may be a nice treatment to have on hand so as before long as a difficulty pops up, you’ll instantly provide your plants with a solution. Grab a bottle of organic Neem Oil here and thank us later!

Have you used neem oil? Let us know in the comments below how you’ve used it and what pests it’s been effective for!